Catch up with the latest Landlord news in our quarterly newsletter.
Renters' Rights Act
Landlords Database
Making Tax Digital
Discretionary Housing Payments
Tenants for Christmas
Foam Insulation Concerns
Better Homes initiative
Getting Increased rent after LHA rises
Better Homes for All
Tenant Deposit Warning
and more...
Dealing with Damp and Mould
Fines for "Rogue" Landlords
The Decent Homes Standard
Landlords Property Portal
Re-assess how you rent out your property.
It's your organisation- get involved!
The War on Landlords
and more...
Older Newsletters
Rentsurance & Increasing rents
The Autumn Statement
Winter Weather
Tenant Referencing
Property Fraud Prevention
Caution advised increasing rents
Welcoming New Tenants
LHA Rates
New How to Rent Guide
Section 21's and HLPAS
Rising Eviction rates
Rising Interest rates
Doom and gloom or Opportunity?
The Eviction Process
Loan-to-value stress test
SNP vs. Landlords
EPC Changes
Your rights if your tenant dies
Dealing with damp and mould
Is there anything new under the Sun?
Budget Concerns
Damp & Condensation
Self Managing Landlords
The Rambling Landlord
Three into two won't go
Rogue Landlords
Cost of Living Crisis
The Housing Market
Carbon Monoxide Update
How far would you go?
Intro to the new Chair
Government White Paper
Food for thought
Bernie's Banter
Right to Rent Law changes
Rental Crisis
Rent Growth Slows
Alternative Heating
Better Home Cover Concern
Benefit vs Universal Credit
Council Inspection & Inspection Assistance
Universal Credit Concerns
Tax Changes start to bite
Selling Up
Losing Landlords
Energy Efficiency Grants
Rob Dogs
Not Checking Tenants
Annual Dinner Cancelled
Overhang Headaches
A day out at the skips
London License concerns
Gas Boilers Going Out
Benevolence Rebuffed
Tenants withdrawing notice